Philips SimplyGo
Are you struggling with a breathing disorder or a lung disease that is making it really difficult for you to breathe? Well, a portable oxygen concentrator is something you should consider. Portable Oxygen offers numerous benefits to our body along with peace of mind. You can breathe more easily while you enjoy your independence and freedom in all areas of your life whether at home or out and about. You can make use of a portable oxygen concentrator to get a regular supply of oxygen no matter where you go. You can also carry your portable oxygen concentrator along with you. These portable oxygen concentrators help individuals who have low levels of oxygen in their blood. All you have to do is either attach a battery to your machine if you are on the go, or simply plug your device to an electric outlet power supply. While at home you can keep your battery attached to charge it at all times so when you leave, your battery is always at 100 percent. Every machine comes with a car charger as well which has the same ability to keep your battery charged to always have a peace of mind when away from home. With a portable oxygen concentrator, you receive purified air containing a high level of oxygen. This device also has the ability to separate nitrogen from oxygen when you inhale. Philips Simplygo is a special type of portable oxygen. It is an extraordinary device that offers a continuous flow of oxygen up to 2 liters constant flow, or up to 5 liters via pulse flow. It is a used portable oxygen concentrator that is extremely easy to operate. You do not have to deal with an endless amount of buttons, switches, and wires in order to operate the device. Your portable oxygen concentrator also comes with a user-friendly manual so that you are able to fully understand how to operate it without even having any kind of technical knowledge. No matter what kind of disease you are suffering from, whether it is a chronic lung disease or COPD, this device allows you to walk around without fear knowing that its functions are available to you at all times. This machine, weighing at 10lbs makes it a lot easier to be mobile compared to dragging around a home oxygen tank that can weigh up to 35 pounds. The Philips SimplyGo is also quite reliable and is rated to last 25,000 hours.